Fakulti Perladangan dan Agroteknologi
The Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology plays a vital role in producing well-trained professionals in all areas of plantation, agriculture and other related fields. It has produced over 15,000 graduates and many have become reputable leaders in the plantation industry and directors of various government agencies

Ketua Pusat Pengajian, Fakulti Perladangan dan AgroteknologiDr. Mohd Khairi bin Che LahE-mel 1 : kppfpapahang@uitm.edu.my
E-mel 2 : khairi@uitm.edu.my
E-mel 2 : khairi@uitm.edu.my
No Telefon : 09-460 2318

Koordinator Kursus Pengurusan Ladang, Fakulti Perladangan dan AgroteknologiNoor Azimah Binti DarusE-mel : noorazimah@uitm.edu.my
No Telefon : 09-460 2251
To become a leading faculty in the field of Plantation Management and Agro-technology through teaching and learning, research and consultancy activities.
To become a leading faculty in the field of Plantation Management and Agro-technology through teaching and learning, research and consultancy activities.
To strengthen academic excellence of international standing through teaching and learning, research and professional services to stimulate transformation in the plantation and the agricultural sectors.
To strengthen academic excellence of international standing through teaching and learning, research and professional services to stimulate transformation in the plantation and the agricultural sectors.
Quality Objective
Memastikan 90% pelajar bergraduat dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan
To produce quality graduates who are competitive and capable of bringing about transformations in the plantation and agricultural sectors.
To become a center of excellence and reference in the field of plantation management and agrotechnology.
To develop the areas of plantation and agro-technology in a more focused and detailed manner through the offering of new programmes to fulfill both present and future needs of the country.
No. | Nama & Emel | Jawatan | No Telefon | UiTM Expert |
1. | Dr. Mohd Khairi Bin Che Lah Email : khairi@uitm.edu.my |
Ketua Pusat Pengajian Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2318 | |
2. | Noor Azimah Binti Darus Email : noorazimah@uitm.edu.my |
Koordinator Kursus Pengurusan Ladang Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) |
09 - 460 2251 | |
3. | Dr. Neni Kartini Binti Che Mohd Ramli Email : neni@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2279 | |
4. | Ts. Fazidah Binti Rosli E-mel : fazidahrosli@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2383 | |
5. | Mohamad Amir Shah Bin Yusop Email : amirshah@uitm.edu.my |
Koordinator MyAgrosis Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) |
09 - 460 2467 | |
6. | Noorshilawati Binti Abdul Aziz Email : noorshilawati@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2452 | |
7. | Anisah Binti Mohammed Email : anisahm@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2425 | |
8. | Dr. Norhaslinda binti Arun Email : norhaslindarun@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2400 | |
9. | Nur Masriyah Bt Hamzah Email : nurmasriyah@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2321 | |
10. | Dr. Nazatul Asikin Binti Muda Email : nazatulasikin@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2264 | |
11. | Dr. Puvan A/L Paramisparam Email : puvan@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah Kanan (DS13) | 09 - 460 2000 | |
12. | Nurulatika Binti Minhad Email : nurulatika@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah (DS11) | 09 - 460 2451 | |
13. | Muhammad Esyam bin Adip Email : muhammadesyam@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah (DS11) | 09 - 460 2243 | |
14. | Raihana Hani Binti Zawawi Email : raihanahani@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah (DS11) | 09 - 460 2434 | |
15. | Muhammad Sallehudin bin Ali Email : msallehudin@uitm.edu.my |
Pensyarah (DS11) | 09 - 460 2000 |
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